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Photo of John J. LaCava

Stamford resident faces charges after deadly crash

A man from Stamford, Connecticut was involved in a deadly accident on the freeway. The two cars that were involved, his own and a small sedan, both ran off of the road during the accident, which is where they were found by the police after it was called in. The Stamford man’s vehicle was still upright, but the sedan had flipped over onto its roof, causing extensive damage. It had also run into a bridge support pillar, making the accident far more violent for that car than the other, and the driver of that vehicle was killed.

While it is not clear exactly how the accident took place, the police are looking to bring charges of reckless driving against the surviving man, along with charges for operating his vehicle with a suspended registration or a suspended license. He also faces manslaughter charges since his vehicle rear-ended the sedan, pushing it off of the road and into the support pillar.

In cases like this, the family of the driver has a right to know that justice is being sought. While no settlement for the actions of a reckless driver is going to bring the person who was lost back, it can at least provide them with financial compensation for what has been taken from them. This can make such a difficult time a little easier, helping to cover wrongful death, medical expenses, loss of companionship and other damages.

The key to the whole case is determining who was at fault in the accident. With some car accidents, such as those caused by a broken part on the vehicle, fault can be hard to trace. For ones that involve deliberately reckless driving, however, it is much easier.

Source: Stamford Advocate, “Stamford man charged in crash death” No author given, Feb. 23, 2014

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