As you are making plans to head out for the weekend, remember that the roads will likely be very busy because of the upcoming 4th of July holiday. You need to take the time to plan your routes and make sure that you leave time to drive safely on the way. For some...
Because experience
really does matter.
Month: June 2018
Pedestrian safety has to be a priority in the summer months
The summer months are here and people are out fully enjoying the lovely weather. While this is done in fun, there are some very serious dangers that come with this time of year. One of these is that pedestrians are out in full force, which can mean that they are at...
Car crashes can lead to catastrophic injuries
Many victims of car crashes suffer from impacts that they don't immediately pin on the accident. This is because some injuries won't be evident right away. There are some injuries, such as brain injuries, that might take days or longer to show up. In some cases, the...
Road safety is the responsibility of each driver
Motorcycle riders should do what they can to stay safe when they are out riding. This can help them to avoid some accidents, but it might help them to avoid them all. If you are out riding a motorcycle this summer, remember these tips: You should make sure that you...
DUI accidents are probable cause all on their own
You have likely heard that police officers need to have probable cause before they can stop a drunk driver. In essence, they need a reason to make that stop, to start an investigation, to detain the driver and to begin checking to see if the driver is intoxicated. One...