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Photo of John J. LaCava

14 wounded in car accident involving school bus in Connecticut

Fourteen people were injured when a bus driver struck a tree on Stanwich Road in Connecticut. The bus occupants, including a 74-year-old driver, were all transported to local hospitals in Greenwich and Stamford. Some suffered serious injuries, but authorities say that no one suffered life-threatening wounds in the May 28 car accident.

Official reports show that the bus was traveling toward the campus of the Stanwich School when the driver suddenly swerved into the left-hand lane of traffic. The bus plowed into a large tree. That vehicle sustained serious damage, throwing the high-school students forward and actually pinning the driver in his seat.

Bystanders said they rushed to get help as soon as they came upon the accident. The bus was apparently smoking because of the damage sustained in the collision. Witnesses grabbed blankets to provide compression for some of the more serious injuries, which included fractured hips, traumatic brain injuries and broken bones. Luckily, two recently certified EMTs happened upon the scene, and they were able to help the children out of the smoldering vehicle.

Several students who just suffered bumps and bruises in the auto accident were released shortly after being transported to area medical facilities, while at least two others were held for longer-term evaluation. A handful of students required advanced life support en route to the Stamford hospital. That fact underscores the seriousness of the victims’ injuries.

The young victims in this case may have accumulated significant medical costs because of the injuries they suffered in this bus accident. Victims who have been injured in a public transit accident or collision that was not their fault may be able to recover financial damages for medical expenses and other costs. This compensation can offset some of the financial strain that often accompanies such injuries, especially if they require long-term care.

Source: Greenwich Time, “Fourteen injured in Greenwich bus crash” Justin Pottle, May. 29, 2014

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