Car accidents are always a tragedy, typically involving damage to the vehicles involved and often to the surrounding property as well. In many cases, traffic around the scene is tied up for hours or longer, as police investigate and emergency crews work to make the area safe again. Of course, the worst traffic accidents are those in which injuries are suffered that lead to loss of life.
That is what happened in Portland, Connecticut, as a crash claimed the life of a man. The crash occurred very early on a recent Saturday morning, at approximately 2:07 a.m. The location was the section of Route 66 that passes through Portland.
A Mazda had been traveling eastbound on a very narrow stretch of the road. That area is known as the Ledges, because it winds through a rock embankment that potentially renders it particularly dangerous to the occupants of any vehicle that loses control in that area. While the Mazda was headed through the Ledges eastbound, a Chevrolet Tahoe headed westbound at the same time on the same narrow stretch of road.
As a result, the driver of one of the two cars was fatally injured in a head-on collision. That man, 73, was a resident of East Hampton. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
After the crash, police shut down the road between Portland and East Hampton. Police conducted an investigation and then reopened the road. According to first responders, Life Star was called and then canceled.
Accidents like this one can happen at any time of day. Anyone who has been in a car accident can explore his or her legal rights with the help of an attorney.
Source: NBC Connecticut, “Police ID Driver Killed in Two-Car Crash in Portland” Jan. 11, 2015