Tanker trucks are important because they help to get liquid cargo where it needs to be. Things like gas and milk couldn’t really be transported any other way. Still, tanker trucks are a serious danger to all vehicles around them because of the risk of liquid surge.
Liquid surge occurs when the liquid in the tank move front-to-back or side-to-side. This can occur as the trucker is driving, accelerating or stopping. There are several different ways that liquid surge can be minimized, so it is imperative that truckers operating these rigs understand how they are impacted by various types of driving.
The type of tank on the truck has an effect on the liquid as the truck is moving along the road. There is more liquid surge in tanks that are smooth on the inside than in tanks that have baffles. Trucks with baffles can slow down the sloshing of the liquids, which can make the tanks a little safer.
Truckers have to be sure that they aren’t filling the tanks too much. This is important because tanks that are too full can have more of an impact on the maneuverability of the truck.
If you see a tanker truck on the road, always assume that it is full of liquid. Give the trucker plenty of room to maneuver the truck. Don’t cut in front of the truck because these loads must be stopped slowly to avoid a dangerous liquid surge. Also, give the truck room to turn so that the driver doesn’t have to try to execute a sharp turn.
When these large and heavy rigs cause an accident, there is a chance that occupants of nearby vehicles will suffer injuries. Those individuals might opt to seek compensation from the liable parties.
Source: Trucking Truth, “Liquid Surge,” accessed Dec. 01, 2017