Falling on a slick surface can result in serious health consequences such as broken bones, chronic pain and traumatic brain injury. When running errands or walking outdoors in icy weather, take safety precautions to lower your risk of slipping.
Try these strategies to avoid winter slip-and-fall injury.
Wear the right shoes
If you go out in the cold, wear boots or shoes with soles that offer traction on snow, ice and wet cement. If you have to wear dress shoes, carry them to put on when you arrive at your destination.
Proceed with caution
Walk slowly and test the surface with one foot first. If you can safely avoid a slippery area by walking around it, do so. Use a wide-legged, flat-footed stance and take short steps to maintain stability. Be on the lookout for black ice, which can be hard to distinguish from regular pavement.
Use your hands
Avoid carrying boxes and packages if at all possible. Your arms can help you keep your balance. Having hands free also allows you to use handrails where available.
Wrist, ankle, shoulder and lower back injuries commonly result from winter slip-and-fall accidents. Even minor injuries like strains and sprains can result in several weeks of lost wages and thousands in medical bills.
If you slip at a business or public location because of negligence, such as an uncleared parking lot, you may qualify for legal damages under Connecticut law. The state requires that you file a personal injury claim within two years of the accident. Otherwise, the court will not hear your case.