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Photo of John J. LaCava

Avoiding bicycle accidents in Connecticut

Connecticut bicyclists truly enjoy the best of multiple worlds. They save money on gas, they get to enjoy the fresh air of being outside, they stay healthy and, at the same time, they have a lot of fun riding their bicycles withe friends. However, bike riding can be dangerous and many a Connecticut cyclist has unintentionally lost his or he life after getting into a traffic accident. This article will discuss a few important safety practices that can help cyclists avoid getting into a crash.

First, cyclists must remember that the same rules that apply to motor vehicles apply to bicyclists too. For example, they must remember to obey traffic signals and signs. They must ride on the right side of the road and follow the direction of the traffic. And finally, they may want to consider avoiding riding on the sidewalk — which is unlawful in many Connecticut communities and it can be dangerous for pedestrians.

Second, cyclists need to stay over on the right side of the road as far over as safety allows. This gives drivers more distance to avoid you and see you, and it will help prevent collisions. Third, bicyclists need to stay as visible as possible by riding with a light and wearing bright colors and reflective materials. Fourth, cyclists should stay predictable and not make weaving, swerving or sudden stop movements. Other safety precautions include: signaling at turns, riding in a single file line, staying away from the car door zone to prevent getting struck by open doors, and avoiding all distractions.

There is more that cyclists can do to stay safe, but if they just took several minutes to read this article and follow its advice, then many unnecessary car crashes and associated personal injury lawsuits could be avoided.

Source: Bike Walk Connecticut, “Give Respect, Get Respect! Share the Road, Connecticut,” accessed March 23, 2016

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