Because experience
really does matter.

Photo of John J. LaCava

Asserting Your Rights After A Bicycle Accident

Personal injuries in a bicycle accident can be very serious especially if a bicyclist is hit by a car. These accidents may occur in a number of ways, but accidents involving bicycles many times occur when:

  • A car makes an improper left turn in front of a bicycle;
  • The driver of a parked car opens his driver’s door causing a collision with a bicyclist;
  • An automobile exiting a private drive fails to stop before the sidewalk, striking a bike (or pedestrian);
  • A car fails to grant the right of way to a bike rider stopped to the right, at a four-way intersection with stop signs;
  • A car strikes a bicyclist when passing the bicycle.

Connecticut Bicycle Laws — The Rules Of The Road

A bicycle rider traveling on a roadway has the same rights and responsibilities as a motorist. Bicycles should be ridden as near to the right as is possible on roadways, and should not ride more than two abreast, except on paths set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles. At night, a bike should have a front light, a rear reflector and reflective material on the side.

When an automobile overtakes or passes a bicycle, the motorist must allow a minimum of three feet separation between his vehicle and the bike rider. A car which overtakes or passes a bicycle cannot make a right-hand turn, unless it can be done safely, and without interfering with the travel of the bicycle. Since a bike traveling on a roadway has the same rights as a motorist, a driver must grant the right of way to a bicycle in those cases where it would have to grant the right of way to another motor vehicle.

When a bicyclist is on a sidewalk, or in a crosswalk, the bicycle has the same rights and responsibilities as a pedestrian.

Get A Free Consultation With An Experienced Attorney

We have been helping put lives back together for more than 35 years. If you were injured in a motor vehicle accident, we will review your insurance coverage and advise on the options for you to recover maximum injury compensation.

Uou can reach us at any of our three convenient Fairfield County locations by calling or by contacting an attorney online with a brief description of your personal injury claim. You can speak with a lawyer directly about your medical bills.

Initial consultations are always provided free of charge.

You will pay no fees or costs unless we recover compensation in your case.