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Photo of John J. LaCava

Is it time to inspect my car’s brakes?

Here we are in the middle of April, also known as Brake Safety Awareness Month, and it is virtually guaranteed that millions of drivers in Connecticut and the rest of the United States are driving their automobiles even though they have brakes in desperate need of repair. The fact is, brakes are an essential element of safe driving and individuals with brakes in disrepair are at all times at risk of getting into or causing an injurious or fatal car crash.

Due to the dangers associated with bad brakes, Connecticut residents should be diligent about maintaining their brakes and watching for signs that it may be time to bring their vehicles into the shop for a brake check up. These signs include:

— Strange grinding, clicking and screeching noises that happen when the brakes are applied

— Pulling of the vehicle from one side of the road to another while it is in motion

— Needing to put the brake pedal far down toward the floor in order to get the car to stop

— Needing to press the pedal hard for the vehicle to stop

— A grabbing of the brakes when pressure is applied

— Weird pulses and vibrations associated with the brakes

— Illumination of the brake light.

Brakes will not last for the entire life of a vehicle. They need to be serviced and replaced from time to time. Connecticut drivers should also be aware that if they fail to replace or fix their brakes and that failure results in an injurious accident, the injured party or parties may have viable personal injury claims that could be pursued against the driver who negligently failed to fix his or her brakes.

Source:, “Seven Signs Your Brakes Need to be Inspected,” accessed April 15, 2016

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