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Photo of John J. LaCava

Pedestrian injuries are a horrid ordeal after a car crash

Pedestrians shouldn’t have to worry about their safety just because they need to walk around town. Instead, drivers should make sure that they aren’t doing things that put people who are walking at risk. We understand that you might not have any option except walking, which makes you suffering an injury such a horrid ordeal.

The impacts of a pedestrian accident can resonate throughout your entire life. Your ability to get around might suffer since you might not be able to walk around like you need to. You might have trouble getting to work or being able to support yourself. All of this is a tragedy when you need to live life.

There are many different things that you might need to do after you are hit by a car. One of these is seeking medical care. Another is to determine what kind of compensation you need to seek. Compensation isn’t something that you should think of as easy money. In these cases, you need to think about all of the money the accident is costing you.

Not only do you likely have medical bills and other expenses to cover, you might have to miss work. All of this can lead to financial implications that you aren’t prepared for. The purpose of seeking compensation is to do away with the financial impacts of the accident, so it isn’t just a quick way to make money.

We can help you to seek compensation for the effects of the accident. This might not be an easy journey for you, but we will stand by your side each step of the way.

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