Most pedestrians know that they need to be careful when they cross the street. They usually do a good job of making sure they only cross in designated areas and look both ways first. Still, sometimes accidents occur in crosswalks. The reason behind many of these...
Because experience
really does matter.
Law Offices of John J. LaCava, LLC
How to spot a drunk driver before a crash
You know that drinking and driving get worse at night and on the weekends. You also know it's a serious threat during the holiday season. Unfortunately, you can't help but drive during this time, so you decide you're going to be vigilant and look for drunk drivers,...
Motorcyclists often have great financial impacts from wrecks
Just because the weather isn't warm and sunny doesn't mean that motorists can stop watching for motorcycles. There are still some individuals who might enjoy feeling the brisk air as they ride to enjoy some beautiful scenery our state has to offer. With this in mind,...
Drunk driving fatalities happen far too often
Drunk driving is a huge problem in this country. As the holiday season moves forward, everyone who is on the road must ensure that they are doing what they can to keep everyone else safe. This includes only driving while sober. Around 28 percent of traffic-related...
Pedestrians must ensure they remain safe this winter
As the winter weather approaches, pedestrians must make sure they remember some basic safety tips as they walk outside. Employing these may keep them from being involved in an accident. Pedestrian accidents during the winter can be particularly troublesome due to the...
Compensation can protect your finances after a crash
Car wrecks cause a lot of strain on the body, but they also impact the mind. There are many ways that this can affect the victims. In the worst of cases, the person who is struck will have major injuries that could kill them or leave them disabled. Having to deal with...
Drivers should stay away from unsafe commercial drivers
Bus drivers and truckers need to ensure that they are driving safely around other vehicles. Whether they are driving on the highway or in the city, it is imperative that they take steps to keep themselves and others from harm. Motorists who see drivers operating...
Victims of drunk driving crashes should demand compensation
As the holiday season approaches, people will be heading out to parties to celebrate. Many of these are going to include adult beverages. This means that anyone on the road has to be aware that drunk drivers might be near them. Unfortunately, even the safest driver...
Know what terms come with a settlement offer
The severity of the injuries that occur in a semitruck crash can devastate every area of a person's life. One thing that these victims can do is to seek compensation to try to get the trucker, trucking company, insurance company or another liable party to cover the...
Bikers can be seriously injured in crashes with other vehicles
Motorcycle accidents can lead to injuries that completely change the course of the biker's life. Unfortunately, these occur more often than what many people realize. Other drivers just don't give these two-wheel vehicles the right of way and respect they deserve. When...